e hënë, tetor 16, 2006

"Big" Birthday....

October 16 used to be a very special day in Albania. It is Enver Hoxha's birthday. I don't have any specific memories about this particular day, but I think if you ask any Albanians my age or (definitely) older about the significance of this day, they will be able to tell you all about it. I know that during the socialist years it was a national holiday.

Enver Hoxha was the ruler of Albania from 1944 (end of WWII) to April 15, 1985 (Isn't it scary I know this date? I swear I didn't google it!). His impact on Albania is so huge that I can't even begin to describe it. Anyway, here is some material if you want to read more about him, and if you want to see a short video of him, check out this clip.

3 komente:

Anonymous Anonim tha...

16 tetori eshte nje dite qe u munduam ta harronim sa me shpejt. Diskutoja me nje shoqe, shqiptare gjithashtu, qe me kujtoi qe zakonisht kjo dite shfrytezohej per te bere aksione - mbledhje gruri, pastrim teritori dhe te tjera te lezecme si keto. Ne fakt ne qe kemi jetuar ate epoke, nuk ja falim enverit qe na rriti me friken dhe varferine.

7:19 e paradites  
Anonymous Anonim tha...

We realy want to forget about this garbage but some new comunists are still hangin his picture in they rooms.

6:05 e pasdites  
Anonymous Anonim tha...

a figure like enver hoxha new to keep albania untouchble from the sllavian people.thank good he was and we albanians save our identity
i love you erseka
by kolonjarja

6:04 e paradites  

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